Σάββατο 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

ODD and More ODD

If you think you have seen it all, you are wrong.
This images are going to blow your mind

A boy left his bike chained to a tree when he went away to war in 1914. He never returned, leaving the tree no choice but to grow around the bike. Incredible that this bike has been there for 98 years now!

During WWII, soldiers were known to take precious family photos (and Pinup Girl photos) and put them under clear grips on their 1911 pistols - called Sweetheart Grips.Sweetheart Grips | Stukas Over Stalingrad

In May of 2007, a small animal was caught in a rat trap in Mexico. The farmer that caught it drown it out of fear. Researchers have done numerous tests on the creature. It was first thought to be a skinned monkey but the tests proved not only did it have skin but the skin was close to human and reptilian combined. The creature has a large brain cavity which suggests intelligence. The researchers also could not find a DNA match of the creature and have no idea what it is or where it came from.

The fossilized Irish giant from 1895 is over 12 feet tall. The giant was discovered during a mining operation in Antrim, Ireland. This picture is courtesy "the British Strand magazine of December 1895" Height, 12 foot 2 inches; girth of chest, 6 foot 6 inches; length of arms 4 foot 6 inches. There are six toes on the right foot

Boy with device to detect whether he is a "fake cripple" 1934

In '72, 22 yo Serbian stewardess Vesna Vulovic was working on a Serbian plane when a terrorist's bomb exploded at 33,330 ft, blowing it into several pieces. Vulovic was in the midsection where she stayed for the ENTIRE 33K ft fall to the ground! She was found with a fractured skull, 3 broken vertebrae & 2 broken legs but alive. She spent 27 days in a coma She was semi-paralysed but made a full recovery & remains the world record holder for the highest fall WITHOUT a parachute.

Antique iron spiked dog collar has protective spikes to prevent the wearer's throat from attack by wolves and other wild animals while hunting or guarding flocks. The collar dates from late 17C to early 18C.

Photograph, taken in 1925 of a girl visiting the grave of her twin sister who died in a house fire the year before. Parents of the girl saw her, on many occasions, talking to her sister like she was playing in her room, but no one was there, and they thought it was just part of the grieving process.

RATTLESNAKES!! "When Kate McHale was a young farmer near Greeley CO in the early 1900's, riding out to forage ducks, she dismounted to open a gate and a rattlesnake appeared. She had stumbled into a large den of them. While her 3-year-old son Ernie stayed on the horse, she killed at least 140 rattlesnakes. Kate used some of the skins to make a dress and shoes (now in the Greeley museum). Kate married and divorced six times, and was a taxidermist, farmer, midwife, and bootlegger." Badass...

Italy’s most ghoulish site, this crypt houses thousands of corpses, fully dressed and hung from hooks. The practice began in 1599 when local priests mummified a holy monk and allowed visitors. Soon regular residents of Palermo wanted to be remembered in this fashion. Bodies are arranged by gender and profession; their facial expressions often eerily visible.

Hope you enjoy it, and learned some new things.

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