Τετάρτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Everything about azalea plant!!!

Hi guys!!! Hope you doing ok.

I finally planted my azaleas. It's a beautiful plant that i really love .

The video with the informations is this

What every you want to ask me for azaleas care or for any plant comment below the video.

thanks for your support.

love you all and see you soon.

Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2016

The preparation of my balcony for planting azaleas and going walk with Phoebe

Hope you are ok. I replanted my azaleas, but in this video i show you only the preparation of the space because if i show you all the process the video will be very long. Don't worry the replanting will be uploaded very soon. Hope you enjoy it.

I also went for a walk with Phoebe. 


the video of the vlog here

see you soon guys with the rest of the replanting.

Σάββατο 15 Οκτωβρίου 2016

I block my creativity

Hi guys. This season i am feeling my creativity so high and realy i don't know why. Although this is a good thing. I had a lot time to make jewelry and i felt  sad about that, but realy couldnt do it. I didnt felt creative at all. And also i couldnt find the time  to do it. Now i have organized my time so well that i have time to do everything i love and this make me very happy.

So enjoy my new jewelry and i hope you like them.





bb friends!!!